Ocular Trauma Management

Ocular Trauma Management

Blunt injury to the eye can lead to various intrinsic eye injuries. Globe rupture occurs when there is a defect in the cornea, sclera, or both structures. Most often, globe rupture occurs after direct penetrating trauma; however, if sufficient blunt force is applied to the eye, the intraocular pressure can increase enough to rupture the sclera.

A retrobulbar hematoma is frequently associated with orbital trauma and associated orbital floor fractures. This trauma may also occur iatrogenically during sinus surgery, ocular surgery, or other eye procedures. In the setting of anticoagulation, this may occur in rare scenarios with increases in Valsalva (e.g., from vomiting, straining, or coughing).

In the setting of globe injury or retrobulbar hematoma, emergent consultation with ophthalmology is warranted. Definitive management in these diagnoses is surgical repair by the appropriate ophthalmologic specialist.

Doctor at Supriya Eye Hospital diagnoses and manages patients with Ocular trauma.